Why Enriched Air Nitrox?

If you've ever wanted to stay at depth longer than allowed by the no-decompression limits of air, then the PADI Enriched Air Diver specialty course is for you. Nitrogen is a big limiting factor on bottom time, but with Enriched Air Nitrox, we reduce the amount of nitrogen in the breathing mixture by enriching the air with extra oxygen, which results in extended no-decompression limits. Enriched Air Nitrox gives you more time to explore the diversity of San Andres`s reefs and walls.

PADI Enriched Air Nitrox

Course details


  • Prerequisites: Age 12
  • PADI Open Water Diver (or other qualifying certification)
    Perfect for divers who want to maximize their bottom time! Due to the lower percentage of nitrogen in enriched air your body absorbs less nitrogen during the dive, allowing you to stay underwater longer and make the most out of your surface intervals.

What do I need to start?

You must be at least 12 years old and be certified as a PADI Open Water Diver (or other qualifying certification). It is preferred that you already be certified as PADI Advanced Open Water or be enrolled in the course in order to reach the depths at which Enriched Air Nitrox is most beneficial. To get the most out of your Nitrox dives, good air consumption is an added bonus.

Tell me about the Advanced Open Water option.

The PADI Advanced Open Water course includes dives that benefit from the extended bottom time from Enriched Air Nitrox. For example, at 33 meters/110 feet (the maximum depth of our two wrecks), you can reach a maximum bottom time of 25 minutes on EANx32 (32% O2, 68% N2), as opposed to 16 minutes on air (21% O2, 79% N2). Combine the PADI Enriched Air Diver course with PADI Advanced Open Water to get the most out of your dives!

Where can I go from here?

Diving, of course! You can request Enriched Air Nitrox tanks for your fun dives for only an additional COP $ 10.000 per tank. The extended bottom time of Enriched Air Nitrox is also excellent for many of the PADI Specialty Courses, especially Deep Diver and Wreck Diver. If you are thinking about Tec Diving, experience with Enriched Air Nitrox is one of the prerequisites to get started with DSAT Tec 40.

What will I do?

Enriched Air Nitrox carries a few additional risks due to the higher oxygen content, compared with air. The knowledge development sessions teach you how to analyze the oxygen content, anticipate the risk involved with oxygen, and plan your dives accordingly. In Blue Life our Nitrox course includes a 2 tank Nitrox dive for you to practice under direct supervision from our staff.

How long will it take?

PADI Enriched Air Diver can be completed in one day. Since the majority of the course consists of knowledge development, expect at least one full afternoon reviewing the dive planning section of the specialty. If you have an Enriched Air Nitrox compatible dive computer, you will learn how to use it to help you make the most out of your dives.

What do I earn at the end?

You will be certified for life as an Enriched Air (Nitrox) Diver, qualifying you to independently plan and conduct Enriched Air Nitrox dives with up to 40% Oxygen to a maximum operating depth of 1.4 ata O2 partial pressure.

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