Recreational courses

Discover the underwater world and learn essential skills.

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Why PADI Discover Scuba Diving?

If you've never considered taking a peek into the exciting world beneath the waves, think again. The PADI Discover Scuba Diving program offers you the chance of a lifetime: a safe, fun, and easy way to try out scuba diving for the first time. All that is required is a day of your time and an eagerness to explore!

Mini Diving Course

Course details


  • Prerequisites: Age 12
  • Good physical health Experience the fun of scuba diving without taking the full certification course!
  • The PADI Discover Scuba Diving program gives you a safe and exciting introduction to the underwater world of scuba diving.

What do I need to start?

Almost anyone age 12 or older, in good health, with reasonable fitness and comfort in the water can try out PADI Discover Scuba Diving. Just bring a smile on your face and we'll show you the rest.

Where can I go from here?

¡Obtén la certificación Open Water Diver PADI! Usted puede continuar con el curso PADI Open Water Diver, ya sea en una fecha posterior o simplemente seguir derecho con tan sólo 2 dias más para completar la certificación. ¿No hay suficiente tiempo para terminar el curso PADI Open Water Diver? Tome sólo un día más, y llegue a la certificación PADI Scuba Diver, a un costo total de $ 970.000 COP.  También puedes solamente disfrutar de una inmersión por tan solo $ 130.000 COP

What will I do?

Se comenzará con una breve orientación sobre los aspectos básicos del buceo. A continuación,  irá a hacer sus primeras burbujas en el mar en agua poco profunda, donde se practican algunas de las habilidades necesarias para la seguridad y la comodidad en su primera inmersión en el mar abierto . Dejando lo mejor para el final, bucear en el arrecife con su instructor PADI hasta una profundidad máxima de 12 metros/40 pies.

How long will it take?

Como una experiencia introductoria, el programa PADI Discover Scuba Diving se puede completar en aproximadamente tres horas.

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Why PADI Open Water Diver?

As a certified PADI Open Water Diver, you have the freedom to dive with a certified buddy independent of a dive professional.

PADI Open Water Diver

Course details


  • Age 10 and good physical health
  • Get started with the most popular entry-level dive certification in the world, PADI Open Water Diver!

What do I need to start?

Almost anyone who is in good health, reasonably fit, and comfortable in the water can earn a PADI Open Water Diver certification. Children aged 10 and 11 can earn the PADI Jr Open Water Diver certification, diving to a maximum depth of 12 meters/40 feet with a PADI professional or a certified parent/guardian. Children aged 12 to 14 can also be Jr Open Water Diver certified, to a maximum depth of 18 meters/60 feet with any adult certified diver.

How long will it take?

Generalmente 3 días, si las condiciones climáticas lo permiten. Los Programas PADI son basados en el desempeño. Usted avanza a medida que usted demuestra el dominio de las habilidades del curso, esto le permite trabajar a un ritmo que siempre  será cómodo para usted.

Can I do part of my course online (PADI eLearning)?

Yes! The PADI eLearning program allows you to complete the knowledge development sessions online at your leisure, leaving you free to concentrate exclusively on diving upon arrival at Blue Life Dive Center. Plan on allowing about 2 days for the course, weather and performance permitting. The course consists of a Quick Review of the eLearning portion, followed by confined water skills practice and open water dives, spread across 2-3 days. For more information on the online portion see the PADI eLearning section.

What will I do?

Throughout the course you will learn the fundamentals of scuba diving which include:

  • o online Knowledge development sessions

  • Dive equipment

  • Dive procedures and techniques

  • Dive planning

  • Confined water skills practice

  • Open water dives (4)

    The knowledge from the classroom applied in the confined water training sessions, where you begin practicing the skills necessary for safe diving in safe shallow water. As you gain confidence, you will start building on those basic skills and learn some more advanced techniques. You will participate in four open water dives, where you will apply the knowledge you have learned and the skills you have practiced to safely explore what our beautiful reef has to offer up to a maximum depth of 18 meters/60 feet.

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Why PADI Advanced Open Water Diver?

The PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course will give you the tools to become a well-rounded diver and to vastly extend your range of dive sites. You will extend your depth limits, get an introduction to the basics of underwater navigation and generally improve your dive skills under the supervision of an experienced PADI instructor. It is also a great opportunity for you to try something new underwater, such as Digital Underwater Photography, Night Diving or any other activity that might interest you.

Advanced Open Water Diver

Course details


Prerequisites: Age 12 (Age 10 for some Adventure Dives) PADI Open Water Diver (or other qualifying certification)

Lleva tu buceo al siguiente nivel mediante el programa Adventures in Diving , que consiste en las certificaciones PADI Adventure Diver y PADI Advanced Open Water Diver. Si completa tres inmersiones de aventura, usted puede ganar su certificación PADI Adventure Diver . Si completa su buceo de aventura de buceo profundo, y la  Inmersión de Aventura Underwater Navigator y tres inmersiones optativas de aventura – cinco inmersiones en total – usted puede ganar su certificación PADI Advanced Open Water Diver.

What do I need to start?

PADI Open Water Diver certification (or qualifying certification from another organization). PADI Jr Open Water Divers may participate in some Adventure dives up to the Jr Adventure Diver certification. Children aged 12 to 14 can earn their Junior Advanced Open Water certification, with a maximum depth limit of 21 meters/70 feet.

How long will it take?

The full PADI Advanced Open Water course can typically be completed in two days, with the possibility of a third day if you would prefer more flexibility on your vacation. If time is an issue, you can complete the PADI Adventure Diver certification in a single day. You can also complete single Adventure Dives that will give you credit towards your PADI Advanced Open Water certification.

What do I earn at the end?

You will receive your PADI Advanced Open Water certification card, which expands your range of diving opportunities all around the world. With your extended depth range of 30 meters/100 feet, and exposure to different underwater challenges you will be able to explore many of the site otherwise off-limits to PADI Open Water Divers.

Where can I go from here?

PADI Advanced Open Water Divers can enroll in any PADI Specialty Course including the PADI Deep Diver Specialty and PADI Wreck Diver Specialty, and/or continue on to PADI Rescue Diver. Jr Advanced Open Water Divers may participate in some Specialty courses, and PADI Junior Rescue Diver is also an option for children from age 12. Any of the PADI Adventure Dives included on your course can also credit towards the corresponding PADI Specialty Diver certifications. Our experienced instructors have a range of different areas of expertise, see our PADI Specialty Course options or contact us for additional information.

What will I do?

This certification includes five Adventure Dives, including the Deep Adventure Dive, the Underwater Navigator Adventure Dive, and your choice of three of the following:
● Aware Fish ID
● Drift Diver
● Enriched Air Diver
● Multilevel and Computer Diver
● Night Diver
● Peak Performance Buoyancy
● Search and Recovery Diver
● Underwater Naturalist
● Underwater photography
There is a corresponding Knowledge Review for each Adventure dive that you will complete and then review with your instructor. We strongly recommend the Peak Performance Buoyancy dive, as it is the dive where you see the most immediate improvement in your comfort and control underwater, even if you are an experienced diver.
* If you are interested in Underwater Photography, we can help you get the most out of your camera with the Digital Underwater Photographer adventure dive. We also have cameras for rent; see our Rental Gear or contact us for additional information.

Tell me more about the Enriched Air Nitrox option.

The PADI Advanced Open Water course includes dives that benefit from the extended bottom time from Enriched Air Nitrox. For example, at 33 meters/110 feet (the maximum depth of our two wrecks), you can reach a maximum bottom time of 25 minutes on EANx32 (32% O2, 68% N2), as opposed to a mere 16 minutes on air (21% O2, 79% N2). Combine the PADI Enriched Air Nitrox course with PADI Advanced Open Water to get the most out of your dives!

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Why PADI Rescue Diver?

The PADI Rescue Diver course will change the way you dive for the better. Learn to identify and solve minor problems before they become big ones, gain a lot of confidence, and have serious fun along the way.

You should take the Rescue Diver course if you want to:

  1. Be a better buddy.
  2. Improve your diving skills.
  3. Enroll in the Dive Master course.

Rescue Diver Course

Course details


  • Advanced certification or equivalent certificate.
  • EFR Certification (First Aid CPR)
  • Si no la tienes, la puedes hacer acá.  Precio $600.0000

What do I need to start?

To enroll in the PADI Rescue Diver course, you must have at least the Adventure Diver/Junior Adventure Diver level (or a qualifying certification) with a completed underwater navigation dive; Primary and Secondary Care EFR training (or qualifying training) within the past 24 months. The EFR course can be taken together with your PADI Rescue Diver course at an additional cost of $500,000 COP. Other courses may also apply for this level.

How long will it take?

Online learning makes it easy to take scuba diving classes if you have a busy schedule. Complete the knowledge development section of your course where and when it's convenient for you.

Work at your own pace, online or offline, using a computer or mobile device. Connect with your instructor for in-water training or when you have a question.

  • Time commitment for eLearning: 8-12 hours
  • Practical time commitment: 3 days (1 day confined water, 2 days open water)

What will I do?

In this course, you will learn how to assist other divers who may encounter problems on the surface and underwater. You will also learn how to troubleshoot minor equipment issues and use an emergency oxygen kit. At Blue Life, we take training very seriously, which is why this program consists of 1 day of confined water training where you will learn the basics of rescue procedures. You will then put these skills into practice in open water drills while refining and improving your diving skills under the guidance of your instructor over 2 days and 4 boat dives.

Can I do part of my course online (PADI eLearning)?

Yes, all our prices and programs are based on online courses. Book your course in advance so you can come to San Andres to dive and not to read. Online courses offer flexibility and the opportunity to complete all knowledge reviews before arriving on the island. Here in San Andres, you will only need to do a quick review of the knowledge.

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Why Emergency First Response?

Emergencies can strike at any time; the Emergency First Response course prepares you to respond appropriately when they do. The skills learned in EFR allow you to extend the critical time window for a victim's survival. Since nearly 70% of life-threatening emergencies occur with family members or friends, the life you save may very well be someone close to you.

Emergency First Response

Course details


Emergency First Response gives you the tools you need to perform basic life support and first aid. Whether or not you are a diver, Emergency First Response prepares you to properly handle potentially life-threatening situations. Emergency First Response (or other qualifying CPR/First Aid certification), current to within 24 months, is a prerequisite for the PADI Rescue Diver course.

What do I need to start?

Anyone is qualified to start. Divers and non-divers alike, regardless of age, can sign up for the Emergency First Response course.

How long will it take?

The skills are performance-based and paced to meet your level of understanding. Since the focus is on skill recall in real-life scenarios, rather than skill perfection, you can take as much time as necessary to become comfortable. The average course takes about a day to complete.

What do I earn at the end?

You will be certified for two years as an Emergency First Responder, an international basic emergency care qualification. After two years, you will need to refresh your Emergency First Response course in order to stay current.

What will I do?

You will learn basic skills essential to sustaining a victim's lifeline, including rescue breathing, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), spinal injury, serious bleeding and shock management, as well as how to deal with choking. You will also practice first aid skills such as injury and illness assessment, along with splinting and bandaging techniques.

Where can I go from here?

Sign up for the PADI Rescue Diver course and put your skills to the test! Emergency First Response is a prerequisite for the PADI Rescue Diver course. As a PADI Rescue Diver, you will apply the skills learned in the Emergency First Response course to diving-related emergencies.

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